The ear mite, or Otodectes cynotis, is a parasite that typically lives in an animal’s ear canal. They’re as unpleasant as you might imagine, but, unlike some parasites, they live on the surface of the skin, and they’re highly treatable.
Ear mites affect dogs as well as cats, rabbits, and ferrets, and they’re extremely contagious. Infestation occurs via direct contact with an afflicted animal. After fleas, ear mites are the most common external parasite and especially common in puppies. This issue isn’t life-threatening, but it is a condition that requires treatment as soon as possible to eradicate the mites and prevent discomfort and spreading to other pets. Adult dogs with compromised immune systems have a higher risk of developing ear mite infestations than those with healthy immune systems.
What are the signs of ear mites in dogs?
Because ear mites are so difficult to see (they’re just tiny white specks), you’ll need your vet to identify an infestation. Here are signs to look out for that might indicate an issue:
- Scratching at the ears or head shaking
- Dark waxy or crusty discharge from the ear
- Redness or rash in or around the ear, or open sores from scratching
- Areas of fur loss caused by excessive scratching or grooming
- Bad smell
- Secondary ear infections
- Thick, white discharge if a bacterial infection is also present
- Aural hematoma (a large blood blister on the ear), caused by the rupture of small blood vessels due to excessive ear scratching
- The ear canal has a cauliflower-like appearance and is blocked (in extremely advanced or severe cases)
How are ear mites diagnosed and treated in dogs?
If you notice signs that your dog is having ear issues, like constant ear scratching or head shaking, take them to the vet. Your vet will probably examine your dog’s ears with an otoscope, a device that shines a beam of light to enable a closer look at the ear canal; or by examining any discharge from the ears. Your dog might have to be sedated if the ears are overly sore or tender.
When considering treatments, avoid trying home remedies. Your vet will guide you on the safest and most effective course of treatment. It is important to remember these are parasites that prefer the ear canals, but will move to the rest of the body if only the ears are treated. Your vet will select the appropriate ear, topical medications, or injectable treatment based on the case. It is helpful to have a professional ear cleaning while at the vet. Depending on the severity of infection you may need to schedule a follow-up appointment to check that the parasites have been eliminated completely, and in rare extreme cases where the ear canal is blocked, surgery is indicated.
Can you get ear mites from your dog?
If you have infested pets at home, it’s possible that you might experience a temporary itchy rash from close contact, but this rarely happens. (Luckily for us, humans are not the preferred hosts.)
How do I prevent ear mites?
As far as prevention goes, one tip is fairly obvious: keep your dog away from any other animals that might be infested, such as when your pup is playing at the dog park. Additionally, it’s a good idea to wash your dog’s bedding, blankets, and toys in soap and hot water regularly, and to toss them into the dryer on a high-heat setting afterward.
The bottom line is that if your dog does get ear mites, treatment can be straightforward and effective—but be sure to address the issue right away.